Villa 34, Berkshire
No. 34 is located in central Windsor, on the corner of Alma and Clarence Road. The property falls within the Windsor Conservation Area, but is not a Listed Building. Together with its neighbouring property forms a pair of semi-detached villas, which are repeated and common in the road. These 4 storey town houses were built by Thomas Bedborough, as part of the early 19th century expansion of Windsor, and stand as prominent buildings along Clarence Road into the town centre itself.
The proposed works were to rebuild/extend an existing later addition entrance porch, add a first/second floor addition above, and a new simple projecting bay window to the rear of the building. The proposal was required to allow a rationalization of all floors, and to maintain a functioning bathroom to the upper two storeys. The second phase was to incorporate part of the external space at the lower ground level into useable accommodation as part of a remedial works programme to this floor.
Following meetings with the Conservation Department, and the preparation of further detailed drawings, permission was granted for the presented scheme. The design makes reference to the existing main house, with its proportions and detailing, equally the proposed materials, including a London stock brick, stucco detailing, slate for the roof and white painted timber windows. The proposed bay is a simple glazed box with a minimal metal roof.